Tras el umbral/Bibliografía general

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Actas del Congreso Internacional de Filosofía (Barcelona 4-10 octubre, 1948), con motivo del centenario de los filósofos Francisco Suárez y Jaime Balmes, tres volúmenes. Madrid (Instituto "Luis Vives" de Filosofía), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1949.

Actes du Concile Vatican II (Les). Textes intégraux des Constitutions, Décrets et Déclarations promulgués. París (Les Editions du Cerf), 1966.

ALTAMIRA, Rafael: Giner de los Ríos, Educador. Valencia (Prometeo), 1915.

ALTAMIRA Y CREVEA, Rafael: Problemas Urgentes de la Primera Enseñanza en España. Madrid (Librería de los Sucesores de Hernando), 1912.

Bible de Jerusalem (La): Paris (Desclée de Brouwer & Les Editions du Cerf), 1953.

Biblia de Jerusalén (La): Bilbao (Desclée de Brouwer), 1976.

BHARATI, Agehananda: The Ochre Robe. An Autobiography. New York (Doubleday & Company Inc.), 1970.

BUIJTENHUIJS,.Robert: Le Mouvement "Mau-Mau" Une révolte paysanne et anti-coloniale en Afrique noire. Paris (Mouton & Co.), 1971.

BURKE, Cormac:

  • Conscience and Freedom. New York (Scepter), 1977.
  • Conscience and Truth. New York (Scepter Booklets), 1977.

CACHO VIU, Vicente:

  • This is Spain. History. Madrid (Servicio Informativo Español).
  • La Institución Libre de Enseñanza. 1. Orígenes y etapa universitaria (1860-1881). Madrid (Ediciones Rialp), 1962.

CAMBELL, Joseph (Edited by): Myths. Dreams and Religion. New York (E.P. Dutton), 1970.

CANALS, Salvatore: Jesus as Friend. Original: Ascética meditada. Dublin (Four Court Press), 1979.

CASCIARO,J.M. and NAVARRO,J.L.: How to Understand the Bible. New York (Scepter Booklets), 1979.

CASIANO, Juan: Instituciones. Madrid (Rialp), 1957.

CÓDIGO DE DERECHO CANÓNICO: Edición bilingüe. Madrid (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos), 1983.

CREUSEN, Joseph: Religious Men and Women in the Code. Milwaukee (The Bruce Publishing Company), 1940.

DOCUMENTOS DEL VATICANO II: Constituciones, decretos, declaraciones. Madrid (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos), 1967.

EHRLICH, Max: The Cult, New York (Simon & Schuster), 1978-1979.

ELIADE, Mircea: Rites and Symbols of Initiation. New York (Harper & Row Publishers Inc.), 1958.

ELLWOOD, Robert 5. Jr.: Alternative Altars. Unconventional and Eastern Spirituality in America. Chicago (The University of Chicago Press), 1979.

ESTRUCTURAS DE RELIGACION: Apud Comentario Sociológico. Estructura Social de España. Madrid (Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorro), julio-diciembre de 1985.

FERNÁNDEZ, Miguel A.: Las Iglesias Protestantes. Chicago (Claretian publications), 1972.

FROUDE, James Anthony: Life and Letters of Erasmus. London (Longmans, Green & Co.), 1906.

GALLEGOS, Rómulo: Cantaclaro. Obras completas. Tomo 1. Madrid (Aguilar), 1976.

GINER DE LOS RÍOS, Francisco: La verdadera descentralización de la enseñanza.


  • A Concise Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council. Volumen 1. London (Darton, Longman & Todd), 1968.
  • A concise guide to the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Volumen II. London (Darton, Long-time & Todd), 1969.

HOYOS, Federico: Colección completa de documentos conciliares 1. Buenos Aires (Editorial Guadalupe), 1966.

HUGHEY, John David Jr.: Religious Freedom in Spain. Its Ebb and Flow. London (The Carey Kingstate Press Ltd.), 1955.

JOHN PAUL II: Letter on the Holy Eucharist. New York (Scepter Booklets), 1980.

JOHNSON, Paul: Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Restoration. New York (St. Martin's Press), 1981.

KILDUFF, Marshall and JAVERS, Ron: Suicide Cult. The Inside story of the Peoples Temple Sect and the Massacre in Guyana. New York (Bantam Books), 1978.

LEPPER, John Heron: Famous Secret Societies. London (Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd.).

LERNOUX, Penny: People of God. The Strugle for World Catholicism. New York (Viking), 1989.

LUCIANI, Albino: Illustrissimi. Letters from Pope John Paul I. Boston (Little, Brown and Company), 1978.

LUZURIAGA, Lorenzo: La Institución Libre de Enseñanza y la educación en España. Buenos Aires (Universidad de Buenos Aires Editorial), 1957.

MACKAY, John A.: The Other Spanish Christ. New York (The Macmillan Company), 1932.

MACKENZIE, Norman (Edited by): Secret Societes. London (Aldus Books Ltd.), 1967.

MELTON, J. Gordon: Encyclopedic Handbook of Cults in America. New York & London (Garland Publishing Inc.), 1986.

NICOLÁS, Antonio T. de: Powers of Imagining. Ignatius of Loyola. Albany (State University of New York Press), 1986.

OKADA, Mokich: Johrei. Kyoto (The Society of Johrei), 1984.

PANIKKAR, Raimundo:

  • Cometas. Fragmentos de un diario espiritual de la postguerra. Madrid (Euramérica), 1972.
  • Religión y Religiones. Madrid (Gredos), 1965.
  • "Max Planck (1858-1947)", Arbor, 24. Madrid (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), 1947, pp. 387-406.
  • The Intra-religious Dialogue. New York (Paulist Press), 1978.

PICHON, Jean-Charles: Histoire Universelle des Sectes et des Sociétés Secretes. París (Robert Laffont), 1969.

PIGNEDOLLI, Sergio (Cardenal): Divine Ways on Earth: Msgr. Escrivá de Balaguer. New York (Scepter Booklets), 1976.

Pío XII: Provida Mater Ecclesia, 2 de febrero de 1947.

PORTILLO, Alvaro del:

  • On Priesthood. Chicago (Scepter), 1972.
  • The Priest and his image. New York (Scepter Booklets), 1976.

RAMSEY, Jan T.: Religious Language. An Empirical Placing of Theological Phrases. New York (The Macmillan Company), 1967.

RIES, Julien: Les chemin du Sacré dans l'histoire. Paris (Editions Aubier), 1981.

RISSHO KOSEI-KAI: Adapted translation of the Japanese book with the same title, first published in november 1965, Tokyo (Hinode Printing Co.), 1966.

ROBBINS, Thomas (compiled by): Civil Liberties "Brainwashing" and " Cults". A Select Annotated Bibliography. 2nd Edition. Revised and Expanded. Berkeley (Center for the Study of New Religious movements) enero de 1981.

RYNNE, Xavier: '

  • 'Letters From Vatican City. Vatican Council II (First Session): Backgnound and Debates. New York (Farrar, Straus & Company), 1963.
  • The Second Session. The Debates and Decrees of Vatican II, September 29 to December 4, 1963. New York (Farrar, Straus & Company), 1963.
  • The Third Session. The Debates and Decrees of Vatican Council II. September 14 to November 21, 1964. New York (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), 1964.
  • The Fourth Session. The Debates and Decrees of Vatican Council II, September 14 to Decemben 8, 1965. New York (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), 1965.

SALINAS, F.: Friendship. New York (Scepter Booklets), 1980.

SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL (THE): Decree Ecumenism. New York (The America Press), 1965.

SMITH, Huston: The Religions of Man. New York (Harper & Row), 1965.

SMITH, Robert J.: The "Ecole Normale Supérieure" and the Third Republic. Albany (State University of New York Press), 1982.

SOLZHENITSYN, Aleksandr I.: The First Circle. New York (Harper & Row), 1969.

SULLIVAN, Jean: Monning Light, The Spinitual jounnal of Jean Sullivan, New York (Paulist Frans, 1988.

TAGORE, Rabindranath: The Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore. New York (Macmillan and Company), 1967.

URTEAGA, Jesús: Man the Saint. Original title: El valor divino de lo humano. Chicago (Scepter), 1963. Vatican Council II. The Concilian and Post Conciliar Documents. General Editor: Flannery, Austin. Dublin (Costello Publishing Company), 1975.

VOLPE, Gioacchino: Movimenti Religiosi e sette ereticali. Florencia (G.C. Sansoni Editore), 1961.

WILDE, Oscar: Poems, Fictions, Plays, Lectures, Essays and Letters (N. Montgomery y Hyde), editor. New York (Clarendon Press), 1982.

WILSON, Bryan R.:

  • Patterns of Sectarianism. London (Heinemann), 1967.
  • Sects & Society. A Sociological Study of the Elim Tabernacle, Christian Science, and Christadelphians. Berkeley & Los Angeles (University of California Press), 1961.

WOODROW, Alain: Les Nouvelles Sectes. Paris (Editions Du Seuil), 1977.

WOODWARD, Kenneth L.: La fabricación de los santos. How the Catholic Chunch Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesn't, and Why. New York (Simon and Schuster), 1990. Edición española: La Fabricación de los Santos. Barcelona (Ediciones B), 1991.

WOOYWOD, Stanislaus:

  • Canonical Decisions of the Holy See. New York (Joseph F. Wagner), 1933.
  • (Revised by Callistus Smith): A Practical Commentany on the Code of Canon Law. New York (Joseph F. Wagner, Inc.), 1957.

YALLOP, David A.: In God's Name. An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I. New York (Bantam Books), 1984.

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